“... doctors are hampered by the same cognitive limitations that affect all types of human information processing.”
I am a clinical nephrologist working at the Kantonsspital Aarau, a tertiary care hospital in switzerland.
I am certified in Nephrology, Internal Medicine and Ultrasound by the Swiss Medical Association (FMH) and the Swiss Society of Ultrasound in Medicine (SGUM/SSUM).
Legal Disclaimer
While I have made every effort to ensure that all information on this site is correct, I take pride in the fact that I am learning daily. So please acknowledge that I can take no legal responsibility for any mistakes that I missed. This work is not to be considered medical advice. Under no circumstances shall I be responsible for any damages arising from the use of this site. All views are my own and not those of my employer.
Copyright and Distribution Info
The copyright of the work (documents, pictures, calculators ...) on this site belongs to the creator, Florian Buchkremer. It is distributed for free personal use. Commercial use is prohibited without prior permission. Sharing, in unaltered form and with attribution to the source, is encouraged.
(For this disclaimer I borrowed heavily from Steve Caroll's blog "How to write a medical blog/podcast disclaimer" on EM BASIC www.embasic.org)